Everest is the world’s highest mountain, sitting pretty at 30,000 feet! It’s also one of the deadliest. Over 200 people have died trying to climb it over the years, either from avalanches, falling off, exposure, or other unknown causes in instances where the bodies weren’t ever found. On April 18, the mountain had its single deadliest day ever when a powerful avalanche killed 16 Sherpas. The edutainment network Discovery happened to be at a lower level preparing to film a separate live event when it happened. Perhaps this proximity to the disaster is why the channel has recently unveiled a dedicated website that explores what happened, and the brutal beauty of Everest in general.
Try this terrifyingly realistic simulation of what it would be like to embark upon this most perilous climb.
Sources used are fastocreate.com and everestavalanchetragedy.com.